Aircraft N2072V Data

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1947 Cessna 120 C/N 14285

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Airframe Info

Model:120    Search all Cessna 120
Year built:1947
Construction Number (C/N):14285
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing single engine
Number of Seats:2
Number of Engines:1
Engine Type:Reciprocating
Engine Manufacturer and Model:Cont Motor C85 SERIES


Registration Number:N2072V
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A1AEB6
Certification Class:Standard
Certification Issued:1966-06-18
Air Worthiness Test:1958-07-21
Last Action Taken:2008-09-04
Current Status:Undel Tri


Registration Type:Partnership
Address:Electra, TX 76360

User Comments

Dane Tate, 2010-01-19 00:00:00
 Ah, I couldn't figure out the best place to say this. Doyle Hankins is my uncle, and he crashed this plane not long after he bought it - same year. A piston or rod blew out of the engine, and he hit a electric line while landing and flipped it over. I believe it was totalled.