Aircraft N3520R Data

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1965 Beech A23 C/N M-674

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Airframe Info

Model:A23    Search all Beech A23
Year built:1965
Construction Number (C/N):M-674
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing single engine
Number of Seats:4
Number of Engines:1
Engine Type:Reciprocating
Engine Manufacturer and Model:Cont Motor IO-346 SERIES


Registration Number:N3520R
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A3EEA3
Certification Class:Standard
Air Worthiness Test:1965-02-16
Last Action Taken:2004-05-06
Current Status:Sale Reported


Registration Type:Individual
Address:Bates City, MO 64011
United States

User Comments

Garrett Woodman, 2006-10-18 00:00:00
 This aircraft was owned by Bill Johnston. He and his son Daniel Johnston (a famous music writer and artist who suffered from manic depression) were flying when Daniel took the keys out of the ignition and threw them out the window. Dan Johnston grabbed the controls and stalled the aircraft into a spin. His father was able to regain control of the aircraft prior to ground impact and flew into a group of trees. The aircraft was totalled but both Bill and Dan Johnston survived the crash. Dan Johnston then spent 5 months in a mental care facility.