Aircraft N3657G Data

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1 aircraft record found.

Beech C-45H Expeditor C/N AF-461

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Airframe Info

Model:C-45H Expeditor    Search all Beech C-45H
Year built:0000
Construction Number (C/N):AF-461
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing multi engine
Number of Seats:10
Number of Engines:2
Engine Type:Turbo-prop
Engine Manufacturer and Model:P&w R-985 SERIES


Registration Number:N3657G
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A42233
Certification Class:Standard
Certification Issued:1992-03-11
Air Worthiness Test:1960-03-04
Last Action Taken:2004-03-05
Current Status:Undel Tri


Registration Type:Corporation
Owner:E X A Inc
Address:St Charles, IL 60174
United States
Region:Great Lakes

User Comments

John Trijillo, 2011-03-05 12:52:19
 I don't think that the aircraft N3657G pictured in this link is the correct aircraft that went down at the Hinkley Parachute Center on Sept 7, 1992. See the following link for the NTSB Identification: DCA92MA048

Also, the Chicago Tribune article dated 9/8/1992 says"
"One wing touched the ground, and the plane cartwheeled over and exploded. See

"the plane "cartwheeled and exploded on impact"

Another article said the plane was silver in color.

The plane pictured here doesn't show wing damage or a plane that had been totally engulfed in flames, exploding on impact.

This plane pictured here in this memorial must be a substitute plane of the same type. Also, this was a skydiving accident, not an agriculture accident.