Aircraft N5672G Data

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1969 Cessna 150K C/N 15071172

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Airframe Info

Model:150K    Search all Cessna 150K
Year built:1969
Construction Number (C/N):15071172
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing single engine
Number of Seats:2
Number of Engines:1
Engine Type:Reciprocating
Engine Manufacturer and Model:Cont Motor 0-200 SERIES


Registration Number:N5672G
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A74390
Certification Class:Standard
Air Worthiness Test:1969-08-06
Last Action Taken:2000-11-16
Current Status:Sale Reported


Registration Type:Individual
Address:Rives Junction, MI 49277
United States
Region:Great Lakes

User Comments

Steve Willingham, 2006-02-07 00:00:00
 As an interesting point of information, N5672G was a Civil Air Patrol aircraft in the early 1980s. Stationed at Tamiami Airport, and maintained by the Tamiami Cadet Squadron, this aircraft flew many successful missions during it's tenure with the squadron. N5672G inspired cadets and seniors alike, many of whom have gone on to successful careers in the military, aviation and other noteworthy professions!