Aircraft 66-15185 Photo

66-15185, 1967 Bell UH-1M Iroquois, C/N: 1913

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Photo ID: AC91744

66-15185, 1967 Bell UH-1M Iroquois C/N 1913, UH-1M mounted on a post at the Army National Guard armory

UH-1M mounted on a post at the Army National Guard armory

Folder: Glenn E. Chatfield's photo gallery > MILITARY AIRCRAFT > H Helicopter > H-1 Iroquois > 66-15185

Photo Info

Photographer: Glenn E. Chatfield
More photos by Glenn E. Chatfield
Contact Glenn E. Chatfield
Please do NOT ask photographer about aircraft data, instead use forum for these questions
Shot Date: 2001-08-07
Airport: ALO
Waterloo Regional Airport
Upload Date: 2007-06-23
Views: 455
Total 14 photos. View all photos
More photos of 66-15185

  • 66-15185 @ ALO - What's a gunship with out guns?  Here is the flex sight for actuating the guns. It mounts on the co-pilot's side.  - by Bookie by Bookie @ ALO
  • 66-15185 @ ALO - Here she is again, but from the Aircraft Commander's side. - by Bookie by Bookie @ ALO
  • 66-15185 @ ALO - Huey mounted at the Army National Guard base - by Glenn E. Chatfield by Glenn E. Chatfield @ ALO
  • 66-15185 @ ALO - Huey mounted at the Army National Guard base - by Glenn E. Chatfield by Glenn E. Chatfield @ ALO
  • 66-15185 @ ALO - Here is the XM-60 reflex sight for aiming the rockets.  They were pretty accurate.  I used to hit a five foot target from 1500' and 80 knots IAS with ease. - by Bookie by Bookie @ ALO