Aircraft XL738 Photo

XL738, 1958 Saunders-Roe Skeeter AOP.12, C/N: S2/5069

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Photo ID: AC305376

XL738, 1958 Saunders-Roe Skeeter AOP.12 C/N S2/5069, This Skeeter AOP.12 was seen as gate guardian at the Army Air Corps base at Middle Wallop in the Summer of 1976.  It wore a false serial XL 769 instead of the correct identity XL 738.

This Skeeter AOP.12 was seen as gate guardian at the Army Air Corps base at Middle Wallop in the Summer of 1976. It wore a false serial XL 769 instead of the correct identity XL 738.

Folder: Peter Nicholson's photo gallery > Museums/Collections > Gate Guardians

Photo Info

Photographer: Peter Nicholson
More photos by Peter Nicholson
Contact Peter Nicholson
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Shot Date: 1976-07-18
Airport: EGVP
AAC Middle Wallop Airfield Airport, Andover, England United Kingdom
Upload Date: 2009-04-12
Views: 345