Aircraft C-FBRV Photo

C-FBRV, 1946 Piper J3C-65 Cub, C/N: 120C

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Photo ID: AC683444

C-FBRV, 1946 Piper J3C-65 Cub Cub C/N 120C, picture taken in compton, quebec, canada un the early 60's. my grand father was the co-owner back then

picture taken in compton, quebec, canada un the early 60's. my grand father was the co-owner back then

Photo Info

Photographer: old veilleux diapo by patrick veilleux
Upload Date: 2011-10-23
Views: 217
More photos of C-FBRV

  • C-FBRV - picture taken in compton, quebec, canada un the early 60's. my grand father was the co-owner back then - by old veilleux diapo by patrick veilleux by old veilleux diapo by patrick veilleux
  • C-FBRV - picture taken in compton, quebec, canada un the early 60's. my grand father was the co-owner back then - by old veilleux diapo by patrick veilleux by old veilleux diapo by patrick veilleux