Aircraft 57-3079

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6 photos found for "57-3079.

  • 57-3079 - This Canadian classic resides at the US Army Transportation Museum, Ft. Eustis, VA. - by Daniel L. Berek by Daniel L. Berek
  • 57-3079 - The nacelle and subsequent exhaust pipes of the hearty R-2000 radials - by Paul Perry by Paul Perry
  • 57-3079 - Displayed now at Fort Eustis, in Virginia - by Paul Perry by Paul Perry
  • 57-3079 - Behold the spacious belly - by Paul Perry by Paul Perry
  • 57-3079 - Staring down the Caribou - by Paul Perry by Paul Perry
  • 57-3079 @ DPA - UC-7A Golden Knights jump plane.  Photo found at DPA ATCT - by Glenn E. Chatfield by Glenn E. Chatfield @ DPA