Aircraft CF-BZL

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4 photos found for "CF-BZL.

  • CF-BZL - CF-BZL in storage awaiting a very unlikely restoration - by Reynolds Museum by Reynolds Museum
  • CF-BZL - The aircraft now sits in storage in the Stan a Reynolds a museum in Westaskiwin Alberta. Plans to restore it will likely not be happening any time soon - by Reynolds Museum by Reynolds Museum
  • CF-BZL - The plane piloted by my father. It crashed in a field on the outskirts of Winnipeg in early 1948 - by Photos were taken by the local media at the time of the crash by Photos were taken by the local media at the time of the crash
  • CF-BZL - I owned BZL  from 1966 to 1968 - by Norm Chadderton by Norm Chadderton