Q59 Airport Photo

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Photo ID: AP40146

Q59 Airport - From time to time, Fremont airport would go from a land base to a seaplane based airport. Unfortunately for Cub 30472, this was one of those times. The Fremont flight school is seen behind 472. They did not offer any floatplane instruction.

From time to time, Fremont airport would go from a land base to a seaplane based airport. Unfortunately for Cub 30472, this was one of those times. The Fremont flight school is seen behind 472. They did not offer any floatplane instruction.

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Airport Q59
Q59 Airport
Photographer: S B J
More photos by S B J
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Upload Date: 2016-05-18
Views: 237
Total 15 photos. View all photos
More photos of Q59 Airport

  • Q59 Airport - Fremont airport in Calif. did flood from time to time when Mother Nature was overly generous.South end planes (left) were OK but north end was 3-4 feet deep. Not so good. View is to the SW. - by S B J by S B J
  • Q59 Airport - From time to time, Fremont airport would go from a land base to a seaplane based airport. Unfortunately for Cub 30472, this was one of those times. The Fremont flight school is seen behind 472. They did not offer any floatplane instruction. - by S B J by S B J
  • Q59 Airport - Fremont airport is at the bottom of picture and Moffett Federal airport (NUQ) is above it seen in the distance. View is to the west.Picture is from 1986 soon after closure.Years of following the levees(at safe alt) sure helped flying coordination. - by S B J by S B J
  • Q59 Airport - Fremont airport in the SF Bay Area when it was at its peak, was closed in May of 1986. Was a no frills grass roots airport that didnt even have runway lights,only relectors.They worked just fine but planes without lights,then it could be interesting. - by S B J by S B J
  • Q59 Airport - Fremont airport,Calif. which closed in 1986 was a very busy little airport,so it is surprising that it lasted only about 20 years.This picture was taken around 1980. View is SE.Last non tower airport in the SF Bay Area as Sky Sailing was a private airport - by S B J by S B J