Information of Vamdrup Airport

Kolding, Denmark

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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:EKVD
Airport IATA Code:VDP
Longitude/Latitude:E 009° 19' 51.33"/N 55° 26' 10.62"
Elevation:143 ft / 43.59 m
Location:Kolding, Denmark
Magnetic Variation:E 1°06.2' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+1(+2DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Aerodrome Flight Info Service VAMDRUP AFIS120.5 M
Approach Control SKRYDSTRUP APP127.475 M276.0 M

Runway Information

Runway 01/19

Dimension:3203 x 75 ft / 976.3 x 22.9 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 01 Runway 19
Longitude:9.328053 / E 009° 19' 40.99"9.332711 / E 009° 19' 57.76"
Latitude:55.431131 / N 55° 25' 52.07"55.439489 / N 55° 26' 22.16"
End Elevation:129.0 ft143.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:UnknownUnknown
Lighting System 1:Pilot Controlled LightingPilot Controlled Lighting
Lighting System 2:High Intensity Runway LightsHigh Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 3:Single Row CenterlineSingle Row Centerline
Lighting System 4:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorPAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator

Runway 08/26

Dimension:2310 x 75 ft / 704.1 x 22.9 m
Surface:Grass or earth not graded or rolled.
  Runway 08 Runway 26
Longitude:9.325494 / E 009° 19' 31.78"9.336325 / E 009° 20' 10.77"
Latitude:55.435558 / N 55° 26' 08.01"55.437003 / N 55° 26' 13.21"
End Elevation:142.0 ft141.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:UnknownUnknown


Caution - Stu trng flt and PJE act.
Customs/Immigration - Avbl with 1hr PN to AIS Briefing Office-opr hr 0700-1600Z Mon-Fri, 0800-1500Z Sat, Sun, hol (0530-1700Z Mon-Fri, 0700-1600Z Sat, Sun, hol sum).
Fuel - (NC-100LL, A1)
Lighting - ABn opr when acft exp at ngt or in lo vis dur day. PAPI Rwy 01/19 MEHT 30'. PCL avbl outside opr hr, ctc afld ops for info.
Miscellanouis - Ldg fees. Afld admin fone C+45 3247 8272, fax C+45 3250 0286.
Noise Abadment - Avoid ovft Hjarup, Skanderup, and Vamdrup if possible.
Operating Hours - Opr 0600-2100Z++ OT with 1 hr PN before close; clsd 24-26 Dec, 31 Dec - 1 Jan.
Restricted - PPR for ldg exer after 1800Z++ wkday, H24 Sat, Sun and hol. Copter flt by PPR, ltd to 0600-1700Z++ wkday.

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