Information of Ciampino Airport (Giovan Battista Pastine Airport)

Rome, Italy

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Latest photos of Ciampino Airport (Giovan Battista Pastine Airport)
  • Ciampino Airport (Giovan Battista Pastine Airport) - Traffic tower of CIA - by Jack Poelstra by Jack Poelstra
  • Ciampino Airport (Giovan Battista Pastine Airport) - General aviation terminal - by Jack Poelstra by Jack Poelstra
  • Ciampino Airport (Giovan Battista Pastine Airport) - Departure terminal of CIA - by Jack Poelstra by Jack Poelstra
  • Ciampino Airport (Giovan Battista Pastine Airport) - control tower - by Joop de Groot by Joop de Groot
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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:LIRA
Airport IATA Code:CIA
Longitude/Latitude:E 012° 35' 41.77"/N 41° 47' 57.70"
Elevation:427 ft / 130.15 m
Location:Rome, Italy
Magnetic Variation:E 1°59.7' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+1(+2DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Arrival Control ROMA ARR125.5 M127.95 M
Clearance Delivery CLNC DEL119.4 M
Departure Control DEP130.9 M131.9 M
Director (Radar/Approach Control) ROMA DIRECTOR131.25 M
Ground Control GND121.75 M
Tower TWR120.5 M122.1 M257.8 M308.775 M

Runway Information

Runway 15/33

Dimension:7242 x 154 ft / 2207.4 x 46.9 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 15 Runway 33
Longitude:12.588828 / E 012° 35' 19.78"12.601006 / E 012° 36' 03.62"
Latitude:41.808058 / N 41° 48' 29.01"41.790397 / N 41° 47' 25.43"
End Elevation:341.0 ft427.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:384.0427.0
Lighting System 1:High Intensity Runway LightsHigh Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 2:ALSF-1SALS or SALSF
Lighting System 3:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorPAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator


Caution - Bird act. 82' AGL hgr lctd 25' before Rwy 15 thld and 1394' rgt RCL. Multi obst on/around arpt.
Fuel - A1 (Eni S.p.A. avbl 0500-2200Z++ Mon-Fri, OT 2 hr PN before end of work day, $100 ea occurence, C+39 06 79340084) (NC 100LL avbl 0500-2230Z++, OT 3 hr PN C+06-79340297). J8 (Mil).
Lighting - PAPI Rwy 15 MEHT 65' (rgt side only), Rwy 33 GS 3.5 MEHT 49'. Rwy 33 ALS strobe lgt nstd, len 918'.
Miscellanouis - Bldg immed adj (W) of mil VIP hot spot off-limits to aircrews. Flw-me svc avbl H24 by ITAF for all VIP acft auth to use NW mil prk area and for NATO mil acft.
Noise Abadment - APU auth wi 60 min of ETD or 20 min of ATA.
Restricted - PPR 24 hr PN prior arr, 31st Wing Base OPS, Fone C0039-06-4940923, 06-79702632, 06-79702378; fax C0039-06-79702210. PPR for Sat, Sun must be req on Fri til 1300Z++. PPR Nr must be rpt on FPL, item 18. Mil acft proh 2300-0500Z++ exc rescue f
Restricted - lt, state flt, opr flt and acft certified according to ICAO Annex 16, Chapter 3 and 5. Derogation subj under specific apvl by Second Air Region. Ldg Rwy 33 dur SS-SR+30 is allowed only to lcl based acft and subj lcl arpt auth; PAPI mand dur
Restricted - ngt hr or vis less than 5 km. Copter tkof/ldg on rwy only. Pln rwy exit last twy unless chgd by ATC. Multi twy wing span rstd.

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