Aircraft N1892B Data

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1 aircraft record found.

1948 Luscombe 8F Silvaire C/N 6319

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Airframe Info

Model:8F Silvaire    Search all Luscombe 8F
Year built:1948
Construction Number (C/N):6319
Number of Seats:2
Number of Engines:1


Registration Number:N1892B
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A164BB
Certification Issued:1979-11-02
Current Status:Deregistered
Registration Cancel Date:1980-03-03


Registration Type:Individual
Address:Peapack, NJ 07977

User Comments

Don Chezik, 2010-03-16 00:00:00
 This was the first plane I owned. I loved this plane! I bought it in North Manchester, IN from Roy Taylor who ran a small grass strip in Servia Indiana. I flew it all over, up to see a girl friend in Kalamazoo, flew a friend up to Northern Michigan. I used to fly to Mt Vernon, IL in the afternoon after my morning classes were over to see my friend Bob Arnold. I flew home to Iowa a couple of times to go pheasant hunting -- once I landed in our father's hayfield. I took girls on picnics and landed in short fields. The end of my ownership came when my wife became afraid to fly because of a jet airliner and small plane collision over Indianapolis. That doomed my ownership. I finally had to sell the plane because her phobia didn't allow her to go with me. I miss that plane SO much! When I took a teaching job at Marshall l flew a lot after class to see friends. When I taught a class at Kokomo I would fly up every Wednesday to teach it.
If I could just see that plane again and sit in the cabin, I could die happy! Where is my old friend, anyway?