Aircraft N3160D Data

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1955 Cessna 180 C/N 31958

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  • N3160D @ LHD - N3160D on Lake Spenard - by Relative by Relative @ LHD
  • N3160D @ LHD - N3160 on Lake Spenard - by Relative by Relative @ LHD

Airframe Info

Model:180    Search all Cessna 180
Year built:1955
Construction Number (C/N):31958
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing single engine
Number of Seats:4
Number of Engines:1
Engine Type:Reciprocating
Engine Manufacturer and Model:Cont Motor O-470 SERIES


Registration Number:N3160D
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A35F77
Certification Class:Standard
Air Worthiness Test:1955-08-04
Last Action Taken:1977-01-14
Current Status:In Question


Registration Type:Individual
Address:Anchorage, AK 99503
United States

User Comments

Mike Tast, 2010-08-18 00:00:00

Link to my father's NTSB accident report.
"Young Bold Pilot"
Kerry Sweet, 2013-09-03 18:15:04
 My brother and I witnessed this crash. We had just went out on the lake at the end of Wisconsin. My brother changed into his skates on the dock at the end of Wisconsin and I was riding his bike out on the lake. We noticed the plane taxing down Lake Shore Drive towards Spenard road from Tast Realty, with what appeared to be a police escort. We thought they were going to go down Spenard road to International Airport. Right after we went out on the lake, we heard the planes engine rev up for take-off. We saw the plane come around the bend in the road and clip some small trees and a small plane shack with its left wing tip. We thought it was going to crash into some trees at the bend in the road after Wisconsin, but it got airborne and was able to climb up over the overhead wires. Just when my brother and I siad,"looks like he made it", the plane inverted and started coming back towards where we were on the ice. I yelled "run!!" to my brother, and he skated to the side of the lake (towrds the Spenard Lake Beach swim area). I was in my shoes and could not get the bike that I was riding to get trction, so I collapsed on the ice and covered my head with my arms. I heard and felt the impact of the plane on the ice and looked over at it when there was silance. I was surrounded with big chuncks of ice fro the impact. The police car raced to the crash site. My brother and I say down together on the side of the lake and watched the fire/rescue crew arrive. We finally got up and went over to the dock where my brother left his shoes and the rescue crew stopped us and told us to go home. I explained that my brothers shoes were on the dock, so he let us get them after turning around and seeing them there. We went home and called my parents to tell them what happened and they both thought we were fabricating the close call. One of my father's co-workers showed up at work and told him about the plane crash and said that it came close to hitting two kids on the ice, and my father realised that we were not making it up. Needless to say, this accident is still vivid in my mind, even 40 years later.
Mike Tast, 2017-02-26 13:02:09
 Updated / corrected link to my father's NTSB accident report for N3160D