Aircraft N1173W Photo

N1173W, 1983 Mooney M20K, C/N: 25-0731

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Photo ID: AC719944

N1173W, 1983 Mooney M20K C/N 25-0731, I, Jack Sellars, am the first owner of the 1983 Mooney N1173W.  I sold it in its original condition in 1995 to a Texas Dealer, who I understand did a rocket conversion before he resold it.
     It would be my hearts desire to see a recent picture of 1173

I, Jack Sellars, am the first owner of the 1983 Mooney N1173W. I sold it in its original condition in 1995 to a Texas Dealer, who I understand did a rocket conversion before he resold it. It would be my hearts desire to see a recent picture of 1173

Photo Info

Photographer: My Wife Kathy Sellars
Contact My Wife Kathy Sellars
Please do NOT ask photographer about aircraft data, instead use forum for these questions
Airport: FRG
Republic Airport
Upload Date: 2012-03-03
Views: 155