Aircraft N6379T Data

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1961 Dean Herbert Franklin Jr DELT-AIR 250 C/N 001

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Airframe Info

Manufacturer:Dean Herbert Franklin Jr
Model:DELT-AIR 250    Search all Dean Herbert Franklin Jr DELT-AIR 250
Year built:1961
Construction Number (C/N):001
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing single engine
Number of Seats:2
Number of Engines:1
Engine Type:Reciprocating
Engine Manufacturer and Model:Lycoming O&VO-360 SER


Registration Number:N6379T
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A85B62
Last Action Taken:1977-01-14
Current Status:Revoked


Registration Type:Individual
Address:Flint, MI 48500
United States
Region:Great Lakes

User Comments

Greg Dean, 2011-02-13 04:08:20
 My Uncle was the builder of this plane. He built it in the basement of his house. When it came time to test fly it he insisted on flying it himself because he did not want to take the chance of anyone getting hurt if it had a malfunction. As I was told, the plane was ahead of it's time & when it took off, due to the rear engine design & the thrust of the engine, it responded much more rapidly & my Uncle passed out r/t the G-forces and the plane crashed & he was killed. It is a shame. To my understanding several of Uncle Herb's innovative designs in the plane were taken from my greiving Aunt & are even today used in production of new airplanes. He was a genius, ahead of his times. I wish he would have let an experienced test pilot take that first flight.
jennie marie dean ganier kilbourne, 2013-02-01 20:28:57
 I am delighted that my cousin Bradley submitted this information on my fathers' plane. I remember my Dad building it in the basement of our home in Flint, Michigan. The sounds of the welding, drills, sanding, grinding, riveting, painting are still vivid in my mind. Dad was the most confident and charismatic man that I have ever known. He has been my hero for not only fullfilling his dreams but inspiring mine. He is missed but not forgotten.