Information of Forlì Airport (L. Ridolfi Airport)

Forlì, Italy

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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:LIPK
Airport IATA Code:FRL
Airport Type:A - Civil
Longitude/Latitude:E 012° 04' 12.34"/N 44° 11' 41.11"
Elevation:97 ft / 29.57 m
Location:Forlì, Italy
Magnetic Variation:E 1°57.1' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+1(+2DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Approach Control ROMAGNA APP118.15 M122.1 M124.85 M338.65 M362.3 M
Tower TWR118.95 M119.75 M257.8 M

Runway Information

Runway 12/30

Dimension:7907 x 148 ft / 2410.1 x 45.1 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 12 Runway 30
Longitude:12.057192 / E 012° 03' 25.89"12.084086 / E 012° 05' 02.71"
Latitude:44.201103 / N 44° 12' 03.97"44.191283 / N 44° 11' 28.62"
End Elevation:97.0 ft90.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:97.090.0
Lighting System 1:High Intensity Runway LightsHigh Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 2:SALS or SALSFPAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator
Lighting System 3:PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator


Caution - No rwy shoulders. Ints trng flt possible dly. Multi obst vcnty arpt.
Customs/Immigration - Avbl sked flt, other flt on FPL.
Fuel - (NC-100LL, A1) (100LL avbl 0700-1100Z, 1200-1600++ Mon-Fri.) (A1 avbl 2 hr PN SEAF C+39-0543-474990 subj to svc charge)
Lighting - PAPI Rwy 12 GS 3.33 MEHT 67', Rwy 30 MEHT 59'.
Miscellanouis - Altn for Rimini and Bologna.
Operating Hours - Opr 0500-2300Z++
Restricted - Twy A, AA, E avbl SR-30 to SS+30 only (no lgt).

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