Information of Grosseto Airport

Grosseto, Italy

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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:LIRS
Airport IATA Code:GRS
Longitude/Latitude:E 011° 04' 18.83"/N 42° 45' 35.09"
Elevation:17 ft / 5.18 m
Location:Grosseto, Italy
Magnetic Variation:E 1°42.9' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+1(+2DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Approach Control APP122.1 M124.525 M275.3 M362.3 M
Ground Control GND280.35 M
Tower TWR122.1 M128.1 M257.8 M264.75 M

Runway Information

Runway 03/21

Dimension:9823 x 148 ft / 2994.1 x 45.1 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 03 Runway 21
Longitude:11.061200 / E 011° 03' 40.32"11.080019 / E 011° 04' 48.07"
Latitude:42.749356 / N 42° 44' 57.68"42.772467 / N 42° 46' 20.88"
End Elevation:14.0 ft15.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:14.015.0
Displaced Threshold:317 ft0 ft
Lighting System 1:Touchdown Zone LightingCenterline Lighting System
Lighting System 2:Centerline Lighting SystemHigh Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 3:High Intensity Runway LightsRunway End Identifier Lights
Lighting System 4:Runway End Identifier LightsPAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator
Lighting System 5:Calvert (British)
Lighting System 6:PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator

Runway 03R/21L

Dimension:7729 x 80 ft / 2355.8 x 24.4 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 03R Runway 21L
Longitude:11.065983 / E 011° 03' 57.54"11.080717 / E 011° 04' 50.58"
Latitude:42.750531 / N 42° 45' 01.91"42.768747 / N 42° 46' 07.49"
Touchdown Zone Elev.:UnknownUnknown


Caution - Bird haz ldg Rwy 03 and tkof Rwy 21 due to garbage dump 8202' prior to Rwy 03 thld and 1969' lt of rwy extn cntrline. Non-std parl twy markings.
Fluid - LHOX, LOX avbl 20 day PN.
Fuel - A1, J8. J8 base acft only.
JASU - 1(MC-1).
Lighting - PAPI Rwy 03 lt side only, PAPI Rwy 21 GS 3.3 .
Miscellanouis - GCA avbl 30 min PN. Tran acft firefighting NATO cat 6 avbl.
Noise Abadment - Rwy hdg to 1000' ASAP. Ovft of Grosseto town proh.
Oil - O-117-128-148-149
Operating Hours - Opr SR-30-SS+30 (SS+30-SR-30 for base needs, emerg flts).
Restricted - PPR 24 hr PN thru Base OPS. Perms Nr rqr on FPL. Ldg Rwy 03, tkof Rwy 21. Tran handling not avbl Aug 10 hol. Twy G (apch end Rwy 03) clsd UFN.
Transit Alert - Avbl 0700-1500Z++ Mon-Thu, 0700-1030Z++ Fri 10 min PN

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