Information of Horta Airport

Horta, Faial Island, Portugal

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  • Horta Airport - The tower of Horta's airport on the island of Faial, Azores - by Micha Lueck by Micha Lueck
  • Horta Airport - The airport of Horta on the island of Faial, Azores - by Micha Lueck by Micha Lueck
  • Horta Airport - The airport of Horta on the island of Faial, Azores - by Micha Lueck by Micha Lueck
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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:LPHR
Airport IATA Code:HOR
Airport Type:A - Civil
Longitude/Latitude:W 028° 42' 57.14"/N 38° 31' 11.62"
Elevation:118 ft / 35.97 m
Location:Horta, Faial Island, Portugal
Magnetic Variation:W 10°58.7' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC-1(0 DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Approach Control APP119.7 M
Tower TWR118.0 M

Runway Information

Runway 10/28

Dimension:5233 x 148 ft / 1595.0 x 45.1 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 10 Runway 28
Longitude:-28.725078 / W 028° 43' 30.28"-28.706789 / W 028° 42' 24.44"
Latitude:38.519863 / N 38° 31' 11.51"38.519933 / N 38° 31' 11.76"
End Elevation:80.6 ft116.7 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:UnknownUnknown
Lighting System 1:Low Intensity Runway Lighting SystemLow Intensity Runway Lighting System
Lighting System 2:SALS or SALSFSALS or SALSF
Lighting System 3:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorPAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator


Caution - Gnd rises rapidly very close to the arpt, possibly causing windshear/turbulence. Bird haz.
Customs/Immigration - Avbl O/R with 24 hr PN.
Fuel - (NC-A1)
Lighting - PAPI Rwy 10,28 MEHT 48'.
Operating Hours - Opr 0800-1830Z++
Restricted - Rstd to acft able to maint two-way com with Horta Twr. 180 turn only at rwy ends for acft over 40 tons tkof wt.

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