Information of Ponta Pelada Airport

Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:SBMN
Airport IATA Code:PLL
Longitude/Latitude:W 059° 59' 10.68"/S 03° 08' 45.75"
Elevation:267 ft / 81.38 m
Location:Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Magnetic Variation:W 14°32.6' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC-4(-3DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Approach Control MANAUS APP119.7 M119.1 M120.4 M
Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS127.65 M
Tower MANAUS TWR118.1 M

Runway Information

Runway 09/27

Dimension:7605 x 148 ft / 2318.0 x 45.1 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 09 Runway 27
Longitude:-59.996442 / W 059° 59' 47.19"-59.976161 / W 059° 58' 34.18"
Latitude:-3.148567 / S 03° 08' 54.84"-3.143517 / S 03° 08' 36.66"
End Elevation:258.0 ft259.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:UnknownUnknown
Displaced Threshold:295 ft325 ft
Lighting System 1:Low Intensity Runway Lighting SystemLow Intensity Runway Lighting System
Lighting System 2:Runway End Identifier LightsVASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator
Lighting System 3:VASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator


Caution - Bird haz. 420' twr lctd 6696' fr thld Rwy 27. 431' twr lctd 5302' fr thld Rwy 27. 318' obst 2939' fr thld Rwy 09. Water twr, ant and trees both sides of thld Rwy 27 elev 300'-340'. Trees vcnty of thld Rwy 09 elev 302'-320'. 300' obst 30
Caution - 18' 262 fr thld Rwy 27. Bldg 26' hgt 4101' rgt of thld Rwy 09, 295' fr RCL.
Fuel - Avbl 0900-2200Z++, OT O/R. (NC-A1)
Lighting - VASI Rwy 09 MEHT 41'. VASI Rwy 27 MEHT 44'.
Miscellanouis - FPL can be filed by fone.
Restricted - Eng runup is proh in prk area front of twr and AIS rpt office.

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