Information of Genoa Cristoforo Colombo Airport (Sestri Airport)

Genoa (Genova), Italy

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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:LIMJ
Airport IATA Code:GOA
Airport Type:A - Civil
Longitude/Latitude:E 008° 50' 15.00"/N 44° 24' 48.00"
Elevation:13 ft / 3.96 m
Location:Genoa (Genova), Italy
Magnetic Variation:E 1°13.8' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+1(+2DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Aerodrome Flight Info Service INFO123.85 M
Approach Control APP119.6 M119.85 M362.3 M
Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS122.825 M
Tower TWR118.6 M257.8 M

Runway Information

Runway 11/29

Dimension:9564 x 148 ft / 2915.1 x 45.1 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 11 Runway 29
Longitude:8.824189 / E 008° 49' 27.08"8.859583 / E 008° 51' 34.50"
Latitude:44.415422 / N 44° 24' 55.52"44.408478 / N 44° 24' 30.52"
End Elevation:9.0 ft11.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:9.011.0
Displaced Threshold:0 ft528 ft
Lighting System 1:Centerline Lighting SystemCenterline Lighting System
Lighting System 2:High Intensity Runway LightsHigh Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 3:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorSALS or SALSF
Lighting System 4:PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator


Caution - Bird act. Wind exceeding 15 Kt fr N sctr and 20 Kt fr S sctr may generate turbulence or windshear and tailwinds on Rwy 11-29 thld. Taxi with ctn and use flw-me car and marshal instr. Multi obs .3NM fr thld Rwy 29, just rt RCL.
Fluid - De-Ice, 40 min PN for hot fluid.
Fuel - (NC-100LL, A1) A1 avbl 0430-2300Z++, 100LL avbl 0700-1900Z++, OT 90 min PN with fee. Fone C +39 335 1028465.
Lighting - PAPI compul for cir Rwy 11, unuse byd 5.0 DME Rwy 29 LLZ, obst clnc sfc pent by terrain. PAPI Rwy 11 GS 3.3 MEHT 66', Rwy 29 GS 3.2 MEHT 59'.
Miscellanouis - For Special Pro see FLIP Planning AP/2.
Noise Abadment - APU not auth til 60 min before ETD or 20 min aft ATA.
Restricted - Twy A-D, G max wingspan 118' . Twy F max wingspan 213'. Max wingspan 213'+ use rwy/twy E.

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